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Corporate Projects

Corporate Program Specialists

At VMI Architecture we have developed processes within our company to accommodate the specialized design and program management needs of major corporation clients.

Entitlements & Permitting

Acquiring entitlements and permits from local jurisdictions gets more difficult each year. We help our clients navigate their way through the endless maze with established systems and contacts that enable City staff dialogue early in the process. We formulate a plan of action on a case-by-case basis to assist clients acheive their entitlements and permits as expediently as possible.

Site Feasibility Studies

Most often, diligent research prior to beginning a project determines the project's overall success. We provide a report thoroughly compiling and presenting all aspects of a site's opportunities and constraints. The report will be helpful throughout the life of the project from land acquisition to project occupancy minimizing unexpected costs and delays.

Accessibility Compliance

Our clients rely on us to determine and translate the (somtimes) very complicated California (Title 24) and the Federal (Americans with Disablities Act) accessibility standards. We provide this service in existing structures as well as for new construction.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Using the latest three-dimensional technologies, we model projects to anticipate and eliminate construction and design problems between the architectural, structural and MEP disciplines; to analyze energy efficiency; to verify construction costs; and to help our clients and coordinating municipalities visualize the design. Contact us for detail about how we used BIM on this project to coordinate the structural retrofit and help the client choose between finishes.

Site Design

Most often, sites that are available for build out are urban in-fill and crowded with existing constraints that make important issues such as circulation, parking, visibility, and accessibility very difficult. Our years of experience dealing with various site conditions and various jurisdictions have made us very adept at configuring the best site layout for the proposed use, developing quick sketches that illustrate the design intent for client’s review, saving time and resources.

Solar Panels

Green Building

The knowledge and expertise of our LEED Accredited Professional and engineering consultants allow us to incorporate sustainable design concepts into our designs. We embrace every opportunity to promote Green Building technology and we can explain potential pitfalls, costs and savings to our clients.

Interior Design

Our experience stretches from space planning to materials, finishes, and color selections to ensure an integrated design that compliments your building's exterior. Come visit our design library to get a glimpse of the possibilities.


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